Need the right frame of mind? -Take A Break!

Yearly I post what Bruce Harrott, CEO Sales Communications Specialist, has to say about taking a summer break -you have to read this!

Thanks to my colleague Bruce whose an inspired sales writer, who helps small business owners land more of the right frame of mind & clients. ...



‘The Value of a Summer Break

A day in a local park, a week at a cottage, or travels in a foreign country

- a break from your business can be a powerful investment in your business.

Consider these five benefits.

Clarity – get away from your business to see it more clearly

Curiosity – explore a new place or re-discover the magic of the familiar

Connection – get in touch with what’s really important

Communication – away from all the noise, savour the silence

Creativity – rest and recharge - your ideas will really shine

Have you planned some time away from your business this summer?

How could you truly disconnect? How could a break help your business?’

- Bruce Harrott

Barb & Steve

Barb & Steve

Rest is not idleness,..Lie sometimes on the grass under a tree or two on a summer's day,.. Listen to the murmur of water,..Watching the clouds float across the sky,..Buy no means is any of this a waste of time.

Take a break! Best Barbara and Steve    

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