In these sessions Barbara Crowhurst North Americas leading Retail Business Coach will go back to the basics, teaching “The Basic Strategies that Drive Retail Sales“.
Effective Marketing
At the core of this basics strategy is bringing new customers into your store while also increasing the number of times existing customers visit.
Key points Barbara covers: defining your market place, what is your potential customer base, knowing who your competition is, using technology effectively, is the new social media for you, your website and how best to market on line, your customer data base, today’s traditional advertising costs and are they effective, using a POS system, creating a promotional calendar and how to use it.
Having Well Trained Employees
At the core of this basics strategy: Barbara covers, hiring the right attributes, why job descriptions are important , how to keep great staff, what type of staff training is essential, managing your staff for best results.
Updated Store Design and Product Placement
At the core of this basics strategy: Barbara covers what makes good retail store design and why placing products in her retail grid system keep customers in your store longer and buying more.
Strong in Store Sales Focus
At the core of this strategy: Barbara covers your role in the performance of your sales staff, increasing the average sale, what an add on sales program is , why it’s important to you and how it effects your yearly sales targets.
Contact Barbara today to discuss how best to incorporate these core topics into your next event.
Barbara Crowhurst will share her knowledge and give the guidelines needed to run a more financially sound and profitable business.
Come prepared with the following information – your current or last-years P&L, Balance Sheet, Sales by Category, Sales Forecasts, and Promotional Calendar.
Contact Barbara today to discuss how best to incorporate these core topics into your next event.