Press Release

Dated: July 3.2020



The Retail View is a brand-new platform for retailers to share their challenges, concerns and views on issues of the day. It is the vision of Barbara and Stephen Crowhurst.  Samantha Crowhurst will join the team from time to time and as her schedule allows provide content.

This new forum is focused on informing and educating retailers on the hot topics and issues of the day by encouraging dialogue between retailers thru out all communities in Canada and the U.S. We will be blogging and posting on all social media platforms including Twitter. But we can’t do anything without your voice and participation. 

The Retail View is another of the many platforms offered by Retail Makeover I.T.

The Retail View Racism in Retail

First up, we need to hear from you on the topic of Racism in Retail.

Background: Our hearts are broken.

Little did we know that another brutal and senseless killing of a black man in the US would shift the consciousness of the world. With his last breath George Floyd exposed more than any man before him and it seems since that systemic racism of Black and Indigenous people is alive and real. Things changed in what seems overnight.

As a collective, our society will never be the same. We are all hopeful that this will truly be a turning point and escalation of understanding. Together we can be a catalyst for real change. It needs to start now. On a personal level, we need to be educated on how our thoughts and actions effect our behavior around the issue of Racism. 

Just recently our whole team took part in a live streaming event hosted by Oprah Winfrey. While discussing Racism, she posed an important question to each of us, “How can I be used in service greater than myself? “. It was one of many Ah Ha moments. Other takeaways were the titles of 3 books that she suggested were a must read:

  1. How to be an Anti-Racist, by Ibra Kendi

  2. White Fragility, by Robin Diangelo

  3. Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

  4. We have ordered all three books, reading them as fast as we can.

  5. Watch this CTV Special: Change & Action: Racism in Canada LINK:

 The Big Ask:

Retailers let's hear from you. Our current focus.

Anti-Black and Indigenous Racism

1. As a retailer, how are you feeling about the issue of Anti-Black and indigenous Racism? 

2. What can we do as retail store owners, retail workers, suppliers, manufacturers, and directly related retail services to make substantial changes?

3. Share inspirational and moving stories of hope and connection on this topic. 

Please write us at We will post your comments on our website.

#theretailview #blacklivesmatter #indigenouslivesmatter



We wanted to share a very famous quote from Nelson Mandela.


Together and with this new forum…The Retail View

We will see important things happen. 

We truly believe in this.

Barbara, Samantha & Steve Crowhurst